Leadership for the Ages – Part Five

very interesting post on leadership, and technology.

Lead Today

The future is a pretty sneaky thing. It just kind of creeps up on you and before you know it you’re actually living in it. Except that it’s not the future anymore, it has become the present.

Thirty years ago when I was preparing to write a workshop on cold-calling it occurred to me that I didn’t know that much about the subject. So I took a 3 month part-time job selling cellphones because at the time cellphones were selling for $3000 and up and most sales were the result of a cold call. I figured to learn cold calling in a hurry by selling phones. (I did)

The visionary owner of the company I was selling for predicted a day when people would be able to call you anywhere in the world, from anywhere in the world, whether they knew where you were or not. Just by having one…

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A Little about me, and what I Believe the Rules to NetWork Marketing are.

well said and so true!

My Fun LIfe's Diamond Dream Team

2013-10-18 22.19.36Hope this helps someone,
I’ve been in Network Marketing for some time now, I’ve had my share of failures and successes, The Thing about being successful in NetWORK marketing is, Its the Number #1 thing is – YOU! if you don’t work on you, your BELIEF level, You will never be successful! That might hurt some feelings, but its the TRUTH, It took me a little bit to Believe in ME! WHY? is because I grew up poor, having to much of the month left over, when the money ran out. Its so important to do something positive everyday for your MIND set, Read a Book, Be grateful for what you have today, appreciate the World around you. Change the words that you speak, Negativity in the Words that you speak or the negative Thoughts in your Head will ruin your Opportunity right out of the gate!

What I’ve been taught…

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